Thursday, May 27, 2010


F.I.N.A.L.S.  Frick, I never actually learned (this) stuff. Is a more polite way of putting it. As we are ending the school year of 2009-10, I say fare thee well, and good luck to seniors! Finals. Finals. Gosh. The more I say it, the worst it gets. Why do teachers insist on putting us through these tests? How are we supposed to remember a formula we used four months ago, eh? And these reviews keep getting more and more confusing. What the heck are periods? And where do I find them on a Periodic table?! >.< As anxiety kicks in with all these projects(FINALLY DONE WITH ALL THREE) and these final review and the imminent tests, I sleep. I sleep a lot. Which is probably good in the long haul, but I'm not getting any work done when I go to sleep at seven thirty. Well, I usually just take a nap and sleep until 6 nowadays. Maybe me sleeping is partially due to the heat and the humidity. Then homework, unless I can procrastinate on it. If so, I usually just leave it 'till the morning. BAD HABIT, eh? Why do I always say "eh?" I'm not Canadian. Or are Ryan, Kelsey and their parents rubbing off on me? The world may never know. Along with Dinosaur emotions and the expanse of the Universe. OMG. Is anyone rather..miffed at our English teacher for making us learn Poetry three days before Finals? And even more upset that there is going to be a Poetry section on our English final!?? I swear our teachers are nuts. Toodle-oo. Going to beddy bye.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Profile!

Ok. As you can see, I found a new profile. That old one was getting kinda of, boring. And, its spring. So I figured this one worked out well. I also fixed the bug in the blog about the whole posting comments thing, so you can post comments!! Which would gladly be appreciated! Because I love feedback!! HEYHEY! Guess what? I got a cactus! Its so cute! It's in a little cup. How adorable. :) I also got a little blue flower plant for my room. It looks like Styrofoam because it's a little sparkly-ish, but it's blue, and, well, yeah. But it's really quite beautiful! I shall welcome the new additions to my room wonderfully! So, if you come to my house and see blue flowers and a cute little cactus, that's why. Went flower shopping earlier with my mom and her crazy friend. Got pizza. Ate pizza, went home. makes pizza. ?? She's more bonkers than I thought. Oh well. She kinda gave birth to me, so I should be nice. Thanks mom. THEN...was going to go to the set building at the high school, but, the circumstances were poor. So I didn't. Still have to find a nun's hat. Devon better have it for me tomorrow. That'd be bad if I didn't. I'm sure I will! I hope...anywho! Gunna go nibble on a piece of pizza. :) BYE!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


As my title correctly states, I'm in an ACK kinda mood. Using my email so I won't get in trouble in the library is a good thing, but again, I probably should be doing homework...just saying. But I feel the need to write. So, here I am! So, the defining ack moment: something that made me upset. Just, blargy blarg. I'm being a female, say my friends. Well, guy friends. I need a cheering up, per say. Well, I guess, ish. MEH!! I'm sure I'll feel better soon.

Well, this is interesting. Doing this by email, I do admit, it feels a little weird, but nevertheless, the same. I've been using lots of commas lately. Eh? I guess I'm a little happier now, I'm listening to my new favorite band's new single. :) SPEAKING OF SONGS!! My iTunes has been silly lately. It'll spend a few(ten) minutes syncing my iPod touch and then at the very end, it'll say "CANNOT SYNC IPOD TOUCH. UNKNOWN PROBLEM. ERROR(#)" Drives me nuts. So, I have new music from my new favorite band, but it hasn't synced to my iPod. >.< I have to restore my iPod every time I want to sync new songs on it. Which takes FOREVER!! And I don't have two hours to wait for it to do it's thing. I want my music now...haha. Usually I'm not this impatient...oh well. So right now, I'm listening to that band on my iPod using the Youtube application. Urgh, getting a headache from my gum. Does that happen to anyone else besides me? I'll chew on gum and then get a headache. I think its from the mint and the actual chewing motion, right? Because the jaw connects up there...or moves something up by my temple. Cuz thats where I always get 'em. Wow. I do believe I should stop chewing, right? Good idea. You know what is sad? Metro station broke up. :'( I loved them. And the drummer in this new favorite band of mine was the same drummer from Metro Station. Anthony Improgo. He's such a cutie patootie. But Mason was my favorite. ;) I used to have the BIGGEST crush on that dude. Even more than Johnny Depp! I know, how is that possible? It just is. :D

Does anyone notice how much we sit nowadays? Students sit for seven hours a day at school, probably two more at home, watching Tv/playing video games, etc. Then dinner, sitting, then something else outside(hopefully) then finally bed. We're such a lazy generation...Maybe that's what they'll call us in the future. Instead of the technology age, the lazy age. They kinda fit together, don't they? Because with more advances in technology, the more we sit around the computer, or driving in cars instead of biking and walking places. Lookie there, I spent up, half an hour doing this. Only one more hour of study hall. :/ Maybe I should do homework, but I consider study hall as a place where students can chill, kind of a break from regular classes. A much needed break, also, you know, if you wanna do homework, you can. Usually I do, but right now, I just need a release. A mental release, break, or a recharging, if you will. URGH. Stop it with the commas, will you brain? Haha. You guys don't mind THAT much, do you? I just think it's starting to bother me, just a teeny bit. Boy, my headache isn't getting any better, how annoying. Hey, you guys know how your music sounds so much better if you like push your earbuds down and into your ears? Like, not TOO hard, just a little push, and keep 'em there? Yeah, that rocks. Although most people think I'm like "goth" or something, because I'm like, plugging my ears. I'm just listening to my music the best way. :] Haha, why can't I write this much in this little time for my essays? XD It's probably because I love writing for you guys. :3 Well, perhaps it's a good idea if I do homework. So, I BID THEE FAREWELL!! :D

Monday, May 10, 2010

:D Absence of Food.

Well, hi again. You people. :) You rock by the way. For reading this? Oh, totally! Anywho. Still no comments! Sorry, I'm sounding needy. I'll stop. ANYANYWHO! So, y'all usually know this blog is about food, right? Weeheell, I have been so frickin' busy that there is absolutely no time to cook regular meals. We've been living on Veggie tacos, salad, Chinese, and pizza. Blech. I want some variety! But alas, there is no time! What with finals coming up and everything. So, I don't want ya to expect anything too big. I'll try to post a recipe from time to time. BTW. I got curious, and looked up Pot brownies. My response verbatim, "WHAT?! This is too crazy. Seriously? Ew. Who would...EW! That's so stupid. Stupid people throwing their lives away. Why would they post this on here!?!" Which brings me to something else. Who else thinks that alcohol should be illegal? I sure do. I'm pretty sure that, while I'm living, I'll never drink. I know, I know. "You're too young, you just wait and see," well, I think it's such a toxic drink made of poison, I pretty much think I'm gunna stick with that. So, ideas/thoughts on this? Comment!!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Allo all my blog readers. Today, I received a pen pal letter from a girl named Mary Lou. She's french. S'pretty cool. Twas all in french and I totally shared it with my lunch table. I could tell how impressed they were(Not ;]) I believe they were thoroughly bored. Yep, I'm pretty sure they were. Anywho. AP Exams are happenin'. Not for me of course, but for the juniors and seniors. Poor things, already had ACT a month earlier, and now three and a half hours of testing two days in a row for some people? Craziness if I say so myself. TOO much testing! I don't think I'll like being a junior. What with all this testing and the JUNIOR PROJECT-ect-ect. (echo) That's scary if I do say so myself. Yeah. Well, comtemplating whether or not to take french next year. At the beginning of this year, I absolutely detested it. Like, UGH! It was really..meh. But now that I'm doing well in it the LAST MONTH OF SCHOOL, I feel as if I should like, you know, take it again for next year. I dropped it when we had the school counselors come in a get our schedules for next year. I also took choir instead. So now, I have a predicament. I have 8 credits now(the max) and I might want to take it. Idk. I don't think I can, because I have to take a class that puts my credits at the start at 6(health). So, I'm taking the following 1 credit classes: Orchestra and Choir. And the following 1/2 credit classes. Parenting and sports med. Meh. So I CAN HAZ PROBLEM! Why don't I take a poll, eh? Help me!! Comment with your suggestions. :) Danka. Merci. Gracias.  :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010


As you may have noticed, my title may not go with all my earlier posts. Well, thats because I changed it! I figure it's much more suiting now. Kay. That is all. :) Goodnight...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Woohoo! Posting through texting/cell phone! I just wanted to try it out, ya know. Just to see what it was. Don`t expect many of these from me. :) Kay. Bye! Kate

Är vi framme snart?

Well, erm. Hi! It has been a while, eh? I'm so sorry I haven't been on forEVER! I was super mega busy with the musical and shtuff and such. Haven't made din-din in a while. Dad made bean dip and egg rolls. Interesting combo, eh? Hah, I sound Canadian. No offense, er anything. I love Canadians! I have two good friends from the big CA. Actually, they're from NB, but you get the gist. Changing topics.
GEORGE GERSHWIN! The genius that is..Mr. Double g. Sorry, I be listenin' to him at the moment. Who can't like his pieces!? Seriously? I love him, and American in Paris, well. Loveliness. Gene Kelly made my heart sing in the movie also. Is it weird to have a super crush/obsession with a dead guy? Meh, like I care. I'm weird. :) I love life at the moment. Just gunna throw that out there. Is anyone else like, totally ready for the beaches and campfires? I know sure as heck I am. B. T. W. I can haz youtube channel nao? Parawhore160. Yeah, yeah. I know. What a stupid name right? Well, I decided that when I was a little, well, young. Hehe. Anywho, I know how I usually give you guys a recipe that totally rocks, so here goes.

(It's vegetarian paella. Yum.)
Let's start with a valid starting point shall we? Ingredients!
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 8 ounces soy sausage, cut into 1-inch pieces (I love "smart" brand Italian sausages for this)
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 cup marinated artichoke hearts, quartered
  • 1 cup sliced yellow squash
  • 1 cup baby squash or sliced zucchini
  • 1 cup sliced carrots
  • 1 bunch asparagus, ends trimmed, cut into 2 inch pieces
  • 1/2 cup frozen green peas
  • 14-ounce can diced tomatoes
  • 6 to 8 saffron threads
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 cups cooked rice
  • 1/2 cup reduced-sodium vegetable broth
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley leaves
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper(or whatever)
SO! Get to it! Hah, you actually thought I wasn't going to post instructions? Silly readers. :)
Super simple!!
  1. Heat oil in large Paella pan or a skillet over medium-high heat.
  2. Add soy sausage and garlic. Cook 2 minutes.
  3. Add artichokes, squash, zucchini, carrots, asparagus, peas, tomatoes, saffron, paprika, and bay leaves, bring to a simmer and cook 5 minutes.
  4. Add rice and broth and cook for 5 minutes(yes again) until liquid is absorbed.
  5. remove from heat, remove bay leaves and stir in parsley. Season to taste with pepper and salt. SERVE!!
See? That wasn't hard. :)
Come back next week for another fabulous vegetarian recipe!! I give rights to Food Network and Robin Miller.
I love you all. Whoever you are. You're out there, right? It'd be awesome if you'd, well, I dunno. Comment? Share the love? Protest the war? Whatever! I would love some feedback, positive or negative. :)