OH MY GOD. These men are genius. GENIUS!!! And by "these men", I do in fact mean the team of Hans Zimmer and Christopher Nolan. OH my jelly beans. This movie is the best frickin' thing I have ever seen. I cannot stop listening to the soundtrack. My earbuds are glued into my ears. Glued I tell you! Gosh. I love Leonardo and Joesph. It was pure heaven. I LOVED IT. You must see it. If you haven't you must. Now. Like seriously...get up off your chair and get in your car and see it. NOW! :) And then go purchase the soundtrack and listen to it until you fall asleep.

Seriously though. This is the best movie I've seen in a long time, which equals ever. The plot it fantastic and it has a unique balance of action/mind games/love. Truly see it. It really makes me think....I wish I could do that. You know, go into my mind and create. I know that's what dreaming is...but you aren't really aware that you're changing and creating things. I'd love to have the ability to do it on my own terms. So. Yeah. I have recipe...but I can't find it. So...this'll have to do.
By the way...These men are amazing as well. Hot and sexy, smart men. ;D Gettin' their swag on. Mr. Dicaprio and Mr. Gordon-Levitt. OW OW!! <3Speaking of dreams.... Does anybody know how to get people out of your dreams? I have this same person who is invading my dreams and has been for quite some time and I don't want this person there. It's practically driving me insane. Urgh. Any suggestions? And as always...
Comment? Share the love? Protest the war? Whatever! I would love some feedback, positive or negative. :)
Here's a shot of Joseph, (AKA Hot stuff), walking on the ceiling.
1 comment:
*Like* I'm loving those two men. :D
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